Tests and examinations are to assess students' performance in each subject taught during the whole academic year. The syllabus for the whole session in Matric System is divided into four parts. Tests and examination in Matric System are conducted by the following criteria:
It covers the first quarter of the whole year syllabuses.
It covers the third quarter of the whole year syllabuses.
First Term Assessments & Examination cover the First half of the whole year syllabus. 20% content of the First Term Paper is based on the syllabus of First Periodical. While 80% is included from the syllabus of First Term.
First Term Assessments & Examination cover the remaining half of the whole year syllabus. 20% content of the Final Term paper is based on the syllabus of Second Periodical. Whereas, 80%is included from the syllabus of Final Term
Periodical Tests aims to assess students' performance in each subject taught during half of the First & Final term.